Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Google Youtube Deal: 9 more things to know

1. The online media is awash with news and opinion about the deal which one of the 2 Youtube co-founder describes in P.Diddy style:
"Two kings have gotten together: The king of search and the king of video. We're going to have it our way, salt and pepper,"

2. The Guardian points 2 key aspects of Youtube’s business model:

First, there are the home-made items that often inexplicably capture the affections of the site's users.

(then there )is the ever-expanding archive of music video.

3. CNN Money predicts big money for other video sites like Metacafe,, Guba and, which may get higher value than before from Google’s competitors.

4. Bloomberg says the Google-YouTube has sent a `Wake-Up Call' to Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN. It points out market researcher EMarketer Inc’s prediction that Internet video advertising will generate $1.1 billion in U.S. revenue in 2008, up from $385 million this year.

5. The YouTube founders are themselves positive about the deal. Though cynics might say that this is the newly-acquired money speaking.

In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, they say this about Google,

...they don't want to stop our momentum. They want us to continue to excel in the things we're doing.

6. Salon has a great writeup. It calls Youtube an important tool in democratization of voice.
The global conversation will be GoogTubed. Tanks rolling in a Thailand coup? Find it on YouTube.

7. Washington Post reports about YouTube users themselves who seem to be divided on two opposing sides. It reports that many YouTube users have posted videos sharing their opinions on the GoogTube sale. Besides, YouTube founders’ video about the sale got thousands of comments.

8. SearchEngine Journal predicts a possible Google-Fox Interactive rift in the future.
…some saltiness behind the scenes at Fox Interactive and, which signed a rather lucrative $900 million advertising & search deal with Google this summer; and considers YouTube to be intense competition.

9. Finally, there is the rumor. Relying on a source inside Youtube (!), Threadwatch says that Google is considering buying Facebook for 2.3 billion dollars.

According to reports, Yahoo has only offered $1 billion for Facebook. Nick Douglas at Valleywag says if Google also offers Youtube-like autonomy, Facebook ought to take up that offer. They won’t get more than this, DotCom boom Part 2 or not.


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