Thursday, November 09, 2006

Social Networking sites ranked according to average session time

Most web 2.0 startups are still searching for proper business models. Most startups also face the original web 2.0 behemoth, a company called Google blocking their path. Either Google incorporates the new web 2.0 feature or it buys them out. I am sure many startups are pining for the second option.

A key criterion of web 2.0 success is the amount of time users spend on a site. On Digg, it is come and go. On Flickr, it is longer. Om Malik has posted some interesting Social Networking Sites’ stats, according to Hitwise. By market size, Myspace is still the leader, follwed by Facebook with 7.24% market share.

However, I was interested in the average session time for the sites. Apart from being a measure of stickiness to the core user, these are helpful numbers for advertisers.

I have arranged sites with biggest session times arranged in descending order. It is interesting to see the absense of any social news sites on this list.

Where is Digg?

Top Social Networking sites ranked by Average session time (U.S. visits)

Gaiaonline: 47.01
Myspace: 30.22
CrushSpot: 30.31
Bebo: 25.39
Orkut: 21.33
Tagged: 20.33
Blackplanet: 20.19
Friendster: 19.52
Sconex: 18.20
Hi5: 14.31
Migente: 14.01
Livejournal: 12.27
Yahoo 360: 11.42
myYearbook: 8.56
Facebook: 8.17
Classmates: 7.14
Piczo: 6.04
Windows Live Spaces: 4.37
Bolt: 1.43


At 3:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, you guys obviously havent heard of MOKO, the mobile social community - it has an average of 73 minutes per session!


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