Saturday, December 16, 2006

Open question: How to solve Digg's problems

Let us now stop criticizing Digg and start looking for answers. It would have better if Kevin Rose had posed this question on Digg and or on Digg itself asking for suggestions from Digg’s million or so users.

Crowdsourcing Digg style: that would be cool, indeed.

So, before the ‘cabal of diggers’ problem rises to dangerous levels or other problems start taking toll on Digg in 2007, I invite readers to post problems and solutions with Digg.

Social news is the future. We must work together to find better solutions.

Related question:
what is your idea of an ideal social news site?

A short library of related Reading material:
Google search –problems with Digg
Most recent : Will Digg get flanked?

And, some shameless self-promotion:

I will duly Digg this article. I am sure this would be buried, ignored, or whatever fate the Digg system assigns it. Hopefully, one day Kevin Rose and Co. will put that question on the site itself. And that would be great news for social news.


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