Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The 13 main problems with Vista

In this age of mobile handsets, burgeoning online content, gaming consoles, iPods, it comes as no surprise that Microsoft will spend $ 500 million to market Vista.

It is currently running ads for Hotmail in India promising 1 Gb of space! Very much in the tradition of England on the eve of 19th Century and U.S. around 2000, an entity about to begin a painful and slow fall from the top, Microsoft can do as it pleases with its hoard of cash. You didn’t see Google doing that when it launched Gmail.

In words of Steve Ballmer, Microsoft will spend all money telling people that ‘buying Vista is a potentially life-changing event’.

Buying Vista is indeed life changing.
When you buy Vista, you are giving up your power over the software and hardware, you paid big bucks.

The problems with Vista will come out to the fore when it gets in hands of large number of buyers. The mainstream media has so far focused on the Bill gates personality cult rather than the negative things with Vista, other than Walter Mossberg’s ‘I am not impressed’ review.

The difference between Online and mainstream media is an old one: MSM often writes puff pieces around technology issues while there is a wealth of information online which needs to be read by actual users and the general populace.

The main problems with Vista so far:

Problems Part 1

1. Costlier than the $100 Laptop and Gaming consoles: Vista Home Premium is $239, $159 upgrade; Vista Ultimate costs $399, $259 upgrade.

2. No instant plug and play: upgrading and setting up Vista will take much of your time.

3. Expensive for normal use: Vista is probably not for you if you use the PC for normal jobs like surfing and typing. Use Mozillla Firefox for same and better functionalities than Explorer 7. Microsoft may however try to convince you otherwise showing how cool Vista looks. If you are into looks, get a skin for your desktop.

4. Too expensive for Gaming: If you are into Gaming, for the price of a Vista, get a Gaming Console.

5. No big Vista application announcements: IBM, Intuit, large software vendors and even Microsoft’s own Dynamics ERP division have so far been quiet about their software for Vista.

6. Online software providers such as Salesforce.com do not plan to modify their offerings to suit the new Explorer

Now, we come to the actual problem with Vista.
After the lukewarm response to DRM initiatives by big companies, I am positive users will not like Vista’s draconian features that threaten to take the power away from them. Vista is actually worse than DRM.

To users, Microsoft says that it wants to protect them from computer viruses. To content owners (especially big media corporations), Microsoft says it will protect copyright. Actually, Microsoft ends up on the Big Media’s side, virtually controlling how users use and control their machines.

Problems Part 2

Highlights from the Vista user agreement, which comes into force once you choose accept and install the software.

7. This agreement only gives users only a few rights to use the software. All other rights belong to Microsoft.

8. If you do not like Vista's limitations, Microsoft says in the agreement that "you may not work around any technical limitations in the software."

9. Microsoft has the right to regularly check the legitimacy of the software (which you paid for) and CAN DELETE certain programs without your knowledge.

10. Microsoft can revalidate the software anytime or it may require you to reactivate it if you make changes to ‘your’ computer components.

11. Microsoft has set significant limits on users’ ability to copy or transfer the software. It prohibits anything more than a single backup copy and has set strict limits on transferring the software to different devices or users.

12. Only Windows Defender, the much-hyped anti-virus program –will determine what constitutes unwanted software. That means Microsoft can install Spyware and Adware with impunity.

13. Vista Content protection only helps Big Media: A computer scientist in New Zealand found that Vista intentionally degrades the picture quality of premium content when played on most computer monitors. Microsoft wants you to see that content on TV or bigger, pricier displays.

Options for existing PC (not using MAC OS, Linux) users

- Continue using Win XP
- For gaming, you are better off with the consoles
- Use online office application from Google which are getting better by the day, including better integration with other online apps, in a seamless experience.
- OpenOffice is getting better by the day.
- Home Entertainment: Steve Ballmer says Vista as the center and the launching point for the next generation of connected entertainment in the home. Translation: Expensive Home Servers, premium content, all controlled by Vista’s draconian features.

The world’s needs an open source home entertainment server along the lines of Openoffice, if that is our entertainment future.

End notes
Despite having come up with a Big Brother type of software, Microsoft is sitting pretty. Microsoft knows that for Vista, it at least has the lucrative (&captive) OEM and Corporate market (which still has to show faith in online office applications).

Apple users may take heart with this article that extrapolates Apple’s current growth rate and finds that Apple may overtake Microsoft in the year 2011.


At 2:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"plug and play"???

i have no idea what you talking about. installing any kind of OS, be it Windows, Linux, OSX takes time.

Installing vista was a breeze on my year and a half old machine.

After using Vista RC1 on my home computer since it was launched, I dread using WinXP in my office.

It is just so much more usable.

At 1:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll be able to tell in about a year if Vista is useful or not. One thing we won't have to wait to know though, is that the consumer is more aware. Awareness is the road to freedom.

I am curious to use VISTA. It looks cool on TV. But I know my next PC doesn't have to be a PC with Windows on it.

At 5:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consoles better for gaming?? Bleh! Not only are consoles under-powered where it counts (in storage, for example) and crippled in UI (four-way gamepad vs mouse + keyboard + joystick), they offer only the lowest form of dumbed-down experience.

Microsoft really has us over a barrel with Vista mainly in the area of gaming. It's the only type of app you can't get on the Mac or Linux... or on gaming consoles either.

At 8:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey n0mad, You know you can upgrade the storage with 3rd party addon's and plug in keyboards and mice with an adapter for all playstations and xboxes, right?

As for Vista, I found that the RC slowed my system down. Why would I pay for an "upgrade" that cripples my system? An upgrade or update should make the system perform at its peek. Vista looks like a ferrari but performs like a ferrari towing a camper. I'll choose no for a year or 2.

At 5:39 PM , Blogger zeusx64 said...

Robin, what are you smoking? Vista is easy to install, that is true but to say that you dread XP is just wrong.
I have used the same RC1 as you and was only impressed by it's quick boot process, at 20 seconds.
As far as the look, I have been using open source for a couple of years and Vista's look is not that impressive by comparison.
Vista's protection policies are bit too Nazi for me. I like control over my machine and what I can and can not use on it.
Usable my butt. Get a Mac, not a virus. I paid almost a thousand dollars less for my 20" wide screen iMac than a Dell with all of the same type of stuff, same amount of memory, same processors, same size display, and will not catch a virus, can use MS Office on it, it looks ten times better, runs smoother, has more built in and/ or bundled applications, customizes for far less money, and does not crash.
I have seen the Blue Screen of Death about 20 times too many and if you think you are getting a deal with Vista, think again. Just wait until you start feeling the effects of what you can and cannot do on your beloved Vista box. It is simply Microsoft rehashing what everyone else has been doing for years. Try a Mac!

At 4:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

does anyone already seen the real thing?, vista, i mean it runs smooth and secure, and ive never seen a blue screen even if i try to, BUT, man, windows has never been a gaming platform, cmon, drivers, versions, thats non existant problems on playstation, nintendo or xbox platforms, i dont use vista to run games cause they suck even if they runed smoothly under xp, but i do run harcore software such as 3d tools which run smoothly on open gl (not ever on directx) direct x sucks on vista, but if you use alternatives, its in fact twice or three times faster than xp, and yeah twice or three times slower on directx based software. im a graphic designer, and ive used ubuntu, unix, and mac osx as well for over 10 years. windows sucks, yeah but compare a render of cinema 4d on a pc and a mac. my p4 pc renders the same scene on 2minutes 43 seconds, and 46 minutes, 58 seconds on my g5 . man c4d doesnt even even run on xnix os. get real. software IS what makes u use an OS. if my prefered software runs better on a xbox 360 ill boy one today. but for today , that software runs better on vista.

At 9:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have owned vista ultimate for a few month now and i am very pleased with it i understand its a very new os so im not expecting gold right of the bat but what i would like to say is for gameing and directx 10 wins hands down just give a look at what crytec will be releaseing and you will understand as for game consoles xbox360s ps3s are crap i have played both and they fail in so many ways im not gonna make a stupid list it would be to long .
as for this blog of 13 main probs with vista there is only 2 that are true and they might not even be on the list number 1 is the many vers of vista there should be only 1 ultimate and the second problem is the price it cost way to much . i recomend this os for true gamers if you like looking at porn get a mac

At 7:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just the fact that microsoft has the ability to control my computer at all, makes me extremely wary of even getting the friggin thing. I do video editing, and if what they say about microsoft being able to remove programs without consent or warning is true, I would be in a tight spot per chance I get on my computer one day and discover I can't use my programs. Also the fact it doesnt support 64 bit operating systems. A study was done by a buddy of mine on what information is transferred from your system over the internet to microsoft. Not only does it transfer non-stop, but photos, videos, and completely unnecessary information is transferred to microsoft. I thought windows meant security... right! ((><))

At 8:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Need plenty of patients"!!!!

Purchased a new Inspiron E1505 with Vista installed. The wireless driver would not connect to my device just other folks. Dell support (India), and two hours, deleted this driver and told me they will release an update in a few days. Its been a week, and a sorry reply from India, a few more days. Yeh right!

Also purchased a docking station from Dell, the driver did not work. I emailed the Docking station OEM and Dell. A few days later, recieved email of new driver to download. It seems, not much hardware, mouses, etc are available off-the-shelves Vista compatible. I'm not too impressed so far. If I end up needing reload XP, I'll be POed.

At 5:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

vista is absolutley awful it took me 4 hours to upgrade the computer is slower than when i had windows xp.

At 1:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good... a chance to get this off my chest! I guess IN TIME Vista will be great! But right now, for most users it stinks. Why? Compatibility! I upgraded my PC to Ultimate some three seeks ago, since when I have spent more time 'fixing' than using or enjoying the new OS. Many of my old software progs don't work at all in Vista, and I'm missing those I can't easily replace, or others not fully.

Hardware... oh my god! And don't believe everything you learn in the 'vista upgrade advisor' thing as to compatibility... I made good preparation for my upgrae from XP pro. Only to face major driver issues from so called compatible components. I have even bought and installed new hardware hoping for a solution. Everything NOW looks fine in device manager, but things are very far from fine still! The final straw is that my USB ports have decided not to work. A weekend of trying to fix, and things are worse than ever. 'Bugcode_usb_drivers' blue screens. The ONLY port still working has the wireless adapter... phew! Some consolation.

I used to get some actual satisfaction solving problems in Windows 95/98, even XP. But this Vista OS is a whole new ballgame... and frankly, I don't like it, aside from 'the looks' that is. Yeah, it has the potential to be great in a year or two. Then we will all have to simply dump our ol' XP machines AND peripherals probably, and spend a fortune replacing the whole lot en masse to make sure it's all compatible. So I have actually decided to start saving NOW for a mega-upgrade in about 2 years.

My immediate plan is to abandon Vista, and acknowledge it was just a stupid and exensive mistake, and reformat my hard drive and reinstall reliable XP pro, in the certain knowledge that everything I own will actually WORK... even if it's eventually and I need to tweak this and that... I KNOW that I'll have a sweetly working OS, AND software AND hardware one day again soon. And on that day I'll celebrate, and promise my PC never to subject it to the torture of Vista again! I can almost hear the poor thing crying! It'll be smiles again all round! :)


At 8:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

windows vista looked real nice at first,but when i tried to run some software that i used to use from xp,tham it dont work,like norton,nero,audacity and i cant have full controll over may system.

MESSAGE:hey bill if you see this i buy my vista cd so it mine not yours to control

At 11:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally regret purchasing a brand new laptop with Vista on it - each and every day I use my laptop, I get closer and close to going back to XP!

At 5:15 AM , Blogger Escher Beatnik said...

Anyone else here old enough to remember Microchannel? IBM's "better technology" yet also highly proprietary?

Vista has all the headaches of DRM and none of the benefits of their once-promised file-system. Vista is not for the 'tweaker'. It may very well be the deciding factor that sends many users looking hard at OS's such as Linux.

At 5:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just updated to Vista. Was using Windows XP Pro x64 before.

Personally I find Vista a complete pain. I am a games developer adn each time I want to run a program I am hit with message boxes asing if I want the program to run... I bloody click it so of course i do :P

I can also see a difference in my speed using Vista. Just wastes so much memory on animations adn such.

Basically if you want a good looking OS, use vista. If you want a good running Os that lets you do what you want, use XP.

I will defenatly be back to XP x64.

At 8:33 PM , Blogger Azzlan said...

I just bought an HP with Vista Ultimate. This computer is sweet, 4 gigs ram, dual 2.6 mHZ processors, 400 gig hard drive, dual tv tuner... etc.

Love the computer, HATE the OS. Vista sucks [insert your choice of rude body part here].

I am debating returning the computer completely, but more likely i will be paying the $100 for a new OS and wiping the machine clean. Vista was not at all plug and play. It refused to network with my other machines. The dual tuner tv card won't display on my tv because vista won't recognize the tv, etc. AND have called India 5 times in 3 days and got none of my issues resolved except one - I resolved to not use Vista any longer than it takes me to format the hard drive.

At 12:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've had an HP dv2000 with Vista Home Premium since February, it's now the end of April and I have not yet had any problem with it.

In fact, I love it! It's extremely easy to use, I love the way it looks, and all the same applications that worked for XP integrate well. I love playing NFS Most Wanted and Sim City 4 on it; they run extremely smoothly.

However, I would never upgrade a computer from XP to Vista because the specs required for Vista are so much higher that it means that your computer will run slower with Vista than with XP. I just got lucky that I needed a new computer anyway.

If you buy a computer with Vista, make sure it has at least 2GB of RAM and a dual-core processor. A good video card is necessary, too.

At 3:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am scared!!!!!

My wife and I just purchased a pair of laptops with vista on them and now she is speaking in tongues. I believe strongly if she worked in radio she'd not only get fired, but lynched by the execs whose station just had their license revoke. Vista does indeed suck. I need to try a movie on it. I want to see if it really degrades the quality.

At 12:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have noticed some problems with it. I love it thought, I also love using Ubuntu, Gentoo , and Slackware too. Oh and I'm not running a super sleek machine , about year and half old only and it runs smooth. Another thing I haven't even upgraded my processor to dual core yet(plan to soon) and I haven't upgraded my ram from its 1.5 gig yet to the planned 4 gig of ram. Still it runs smooth. For some reason I can't believe a lot of you people claiming it runs so crappy, and IM a linux lover!

At 11:18 AM , Blogger KD said...

I wasn't so sure about XP when it first came out, but it proved to be worthy. Vista is a different story...so far.
3 months ago I purchased a new HP Pavilion with Vista. After multiple "blue screen nightmares", crash dumps, compatibility issues requiring hours of modifications / upgrades to software and drivers - oh and don't want to forget about the new scanner that will not work with Vista on a wireless setup, I am ready to trash the whole thing. First I lost internet access, could only access by IP addresses - my ISP said there was a problem with DNS??? I have spent hours on the phone with HP support and days of running system recovery. Then somehow had config problems with my wireless router that wouldn't allow internet access from my laptop which is running on XP. Linksys support finally hooked me up again on the laptop, but the fate of the desktop is still unknown - still trying to load the system recovery as I type.

At 12:52 PM , Blogger Johns dad said...

you guys seem all teched up, me I am merely trying to save my tax return receipt and vista will not let me - it keeps saying 'for m computers protecion, file is saved in temp internet' but it is not anywhere that I can find it.
Is it sensible for me to change to XP

At 3:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've been trying to figure out if my problem is the OS or my hp pavillion lap top. after some research i see it is indeed vista.

my 1 year old emachine tower with xp died completely 3 weeks ago. under warranty, i'm waiting on a new hard drive, mother board, whatever else. in the meantime, i get a new hp laptop with vista prem.

2 weeks, after preinstalled games lock up, unable to shut down, IE locking up, machine asking for reboot every day, and sleep/hibernate problems to mention a few, i have the circuit city 'tards look at it.

they act like these problems are MY dumb female operator error problems, and also act as if this is completely new and i'm the only one it's happened to. stuff i had installed on it might not be vista compatible and could be causing problems! i wasn't sure if that would be the freaking HP ALL IN ONE or the HP DIGITAL CAMERA i have connected to it. wow, real incompatible. (should have known when you pay half the cost of a new computer for a flipping warranty, there's something wrong in computer land.) had the firedog team install webroot and norton and whatever they do to start the darn thing up.

well, i replaced the whole laptop yesterday. apparently, they had better luck with initial start up than i did! i barely made it through the hp set up before it had to "recover from an unexpected shutdown"! which it continued to do and ended up on a blue & white screen with blurry text.

in anticipation (and lesson learned from death of emachine), i had burned a dvd with pics on it, backed up a couple other things on cd. (i used the dvd because vista prompted me, and holds a heck of a lot more than a cd. did the same with the one set of recovery discs it let me make.) after more internet reading, i learn burning cds and dvds a bad thing with vista. so using my hubby's work 'puter, i tried to open the dvd and what do i discover?? i cannot access a dog thing on it. can someone tell me how i can get my precious pictures off the dvd without needing vista, or if i have to use vista (before i return the laptop for a full refund and buy a mac), how i can save those images or what program to use so i can use them somewhere else?? i am lost on what to do now.

At 9:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

These comments have been invaluable to me as is this whole site. I thank you for your comment.

At 3:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have vista and I really like it. It may take a few weeks to get used to but I love it. It is very user friendly. My only problem is that my internet has recently stopped working. All indications say that my connection is fine, and all of the other computers in my house are working fine but I can't access the Internet through Internet Explorer, AIM, or iTunes. E-mail me at JocelynCM24@aol.com with solutions please!!!

At 10:59 AM , Blogger Marek said...

A few days ago, after my 4-year-old desktop computer, running Windows XP has finally expired, I got a new, fast machine with 2 GB of RAM and must say that I absolutely and totally hate Windows Vista.

This abominable operating system regularly crashes when its OWN, BUILT-IN e-mail client is started. It crashes with almost everything else as well. I have never seen as many blue screens of death in 15 years of using computers, as I have seen in TWO days of using Windows Vista Home Premium.

Although XP wasn't perfect, it was a much better and more stable operating system.

Everything about Windows Vista is ugly, including the new Solitaire game. Need I say more?

I will probably return the whole machine to the store and exchange it for one of the few remaining refurbished XP units, rather than going through the hassle of reinstalling Windows XP. It will probably be worth to have to pay the usual 15 percent restocking fee to get rid of Vista.

What doesn't cease to amaze me is the fact that all of the computer manufacturers have so readily jumped on the bandwagon and are eagerly offering this inferior OS and the many apologists, who actually have either the gall (or are just plain stupid) to say that Vista isn't perfect, but it is still pretty good. What crud!!!

The new Windows is not only extremely unstable and unreliable, but its interface is very counterintuitive and clumsy. Tiny, poorly functioning controls and a lack of a clear, easy to use interface are very annoying. Despite Microsoft's claims, customization options are very, very limited and even at their most extreme settings, usually useless, or at the very least - inadequate. What were they thinking?!

The supposed security 'enhancements' are more of a hassle for the user than an improvement.

In place of reliability and more backward compatibility Vista has 'gadgets' - an unneeded analog clock, calendar, notepad, etc. Whoopie!

At 8:51 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I just can't get along with it. The default installation that comes on my Acer 3690 is an abomination. There were 20+ min waits where the only indication that the computer was on were the mouse cursor and the hard drive lights.

True 512mb may not be enough, but I was happy for a while after I use the Upgrade Anywhere disk to reinstall Windows. Still very slow. I was fine until all the internet programs complained that they were being self-signed certificates. Hogwash.

Using VMWare to run my precious VisioModeler is acceptable, but this operating system is more trouble than it's worth right now.

At 9:09 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I found out the hard way that the Vista preinstalled on my Aces Aspire 3690 is abominably slow. Use the Upgrade Anytime as a reinstallation disk. I don't know what's wrong with the preinstalled version but it is so slow. I mean slow as in 3-20+ minutes before you can even click on anything.

I would still be using the Vista from Microsoft, but a moment ago, I installed the microsoft updates and Windows now believes that all the certificates it finds on the Internet are self signed. I had Kaspersky, but I'm going back to XP now, where I don't have to worry about VMWare and I can have patches that are regression tested.

If they give me too much licensing trouble, I'll tell them that I was just following the Vista License agreement.

At 9:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!

At 6:47 AM , Blogger flgatorman2 said...

You are ALL missing one important change in the operating system with Vista...they added a keylogger program called winload.exe they claim it's there for the parental controls. But i can tell you that hackers will have a field day with the output from your keyboard using this program....and none of your passwords, and financial information, etc. will be safe....buyer beware!!!

At 5:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of the 13, only one applies that i think really flippin sux. But before i get to that, using the EULA as a reason?? Come on, now thats just nit-picking. If you really don't like it, don't hook up to the net. But anyway, the one thing I totally agree upon is accessibility. Vista really has Big Brother in its pockets this time. Its a pain in the rear just to view temporary internet files. I wish Mirosoft would come out with vista idiots edition, and vista compu-literate edition. Microsoft tries every time to make OS's more user friendly so that the idiot 78 year old grandma can balance her checkbook without catching a trojan, while the rest of us want to clean up old porn or something to keep our spouses from starting an argument. With each newer version of Microsoft OS, accessibility is further limited. I really wish we could all go back to MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1. imagine how fast our computers would work then...

At 1:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

so... i have a question... i have vista and haven't had any real problems with it, but to be honest, i just use it for writing papers, research and checking my email- simple stuff. my one real problem is that when i use aim, vista wont let it use my webcam. i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem and if you know how to fix it. no one else has.

At 11:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for interesting article.

At 5:35 PM , Blogger Pulithara said...

Oh! dear,
I am stuck up with Vista.
It is not allowing me to install real meadia. some people say diabling your antivirus/ windows firewall etc. will help but I'm not successful in doing so and is missing the melodies of the net with vista

At 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like articles like this. Thanks!

At 3:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

very good!

At 6:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice post!

At 7:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO, NO, NO, my computer works just fine! Give me a break... Here's a good place to start looking for REAL people having problems with Vista, http://www.youtube.com.

LOL. Try crunching some video, editing a picture (hello Photoshop?), ripping some MP3, file transfers, etc. Seems like all I do is upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. Just purchased another new top-of-the-line computer from BestBuy. MAKE SURE YOU GET GEEK SQUAD ON YOUR SIDE! I cannot believe Microsoft had to team up with Geek Squad when they released Vista. What is this all about, major insurance for Microsoft when everything goes south.

I'm starting to like my brothers Apple. That thing has a lot of cool features and just keeps running great.

At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done. Keep up the great work. Best regards!

At 12:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it a lot! Nice site, I will bookmark!

At 12:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author! I like articles like this, very interesting.

At 4:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i must agree... vista has lots of problems when it comes to drm and such. i use a sey of sdmin tools that o fond useful in my office, and i cant run them on vista because windows defender claims them as viruses. o know the autors of these tools and have looked them over in source and i can say that they are not virii. another problem is that vista has peoblems with hardware drivers. one of my favorite drivers, to allow microsoft hardware no less, will not install on vista because mifcrosoft hasnt shoved it up their ass yet! its the xbcd, or xbox controller driver. because the guy who puts his time and money into it cant afford the 30 grand for a test, he ans every other user of his drivger are screwed. none of the computer shops near me will service vista because of its 'you are a retarded dumbass' policies. seriously, my school is considering moving over to mac next year and ditching all the vista boxes!

so in conclusion, all things stated oin the original article are 100% true

At 12:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing that Vista does excellent is to sort out those who are computer illiterate, from those who know what they are talking about.

Only people who have no understanding of how a computer functions would like Vista. That is, they need somebody to hold their hand every step of the way in order to use it. Many of these people are the one's who see themselves as a computer genius because they know how to use a mouse, and run a simple program, but have no idea of the total capability of the machine at their disposal.

On the other hand, if you know how a CPU works, how recording media functions, how memory is addressed, and what DMA, NMI and standard interrupts are, and are competent and know the difference between real, virtual real, and protected mode operation, then you are fully aware that Vista is the worst crap that was ever permitted to be loaded into a computer memory.

For years, many of us independent programmers/hardware engineers have wanted to get rid of Microsoft, due to its efforts to totally monopolize the computer industry through fraud and deceptive patent claims.

Vista, it seems, will do the job just fine all by itself. All it needs is the time to infiltrate through existing PC's. When the stench finally clears, the world of computing will be a much finer place for all of us.

At 8:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware - Most new buyers are unaware that in many cases new laptops and new hardware components are being supplied today with only Vista drivers available.

This will mean that if you decide that you do not like Vista or that it has too many restrictions for you and you have purchased this new hardware - you may well be unable to go back to XP ! In a fast growing number of cases the hardware manufacturers are not writing/supplying any XP drivers for new products.

We have have had a large number of new buyers bringing in laptops (especially) - that they have bought elsewhere. For many reasons which range from compatibility problems with their existing software/hardware or from the draconian 'security' restrictions they request to be 'downgraded' to XP - even at the expense of purchasing a new copy of XP.

When we discover that drivers are in fact not available (which lately seems to be in most cases)they are most often very upset and actually attempt to return the hardware - where they can.

As non big box suppliers/servicers of computer hardware we have sold surprisingly few copies of Vista and 99% of our customers refuse to consider Vista.

Lately we have had a rash of customers who have been running around to find folks like us that will still attempt to find/build systems with XP installed.

We are having great difficulty finding laptops any more that come with XP and what is more concerning for us - we have only about a year to go before all forms of new XP Retail/OEM OS licences are no longer available for sale. This means that MS will not offer an alternative OS from Vista !

With whatever incentives and/or threats they give to manufacturers MS has enured that very soon it is either Vista or totally change to a non MS OS! This will be a real problem for large numbers of non technical users - and MS knows and takes good advantage of this situation.

So unless very large numbers of users demand XP drivers from the manufacturers then they may well be stuck with Vista in the future.

At 9:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vista is bad, for so many reasons, I think it is much more than 13. You like your computer, yes, then why give it away TO A BIG CORPORATION TO CONTROL FOR YOU. You like the new quad core, or core duo, then why slow it down with junk software. Unless you like this sort of thing, then thats your problem. MACS are for children, go play in your room mac users with your fancy GUI interfaces. They use intel chips, and run a Unix based OS.. what is so special about them.. ohh ya the price $$$ very specially priced $$ Vist is just microsoft's bad step child, similar to the me (remember that horrible offspring, with constant dll errors) operating system with all its flaws. XP, and Lenux are the only ways to go!!

At 9:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vista, Vista, Vista, let me count the ways. Just remove it, downgrade to XP (or upgrade depending on your point of view), Microsoft offers this free (maybe because of all the complaints).Drivers are hard to get for new PC's and Laptops with Vista installed , very true. But they are not impossible to find, you just need to hunt down the motherboard manufacture and chip-set. JUST DO IT!!

At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for reading this and the above article. So PLZ read this...
I am a Vista victim. But now you've read the article, you, if you don't have Vista, are probably thinking "no, it's probably for a select few. It's not, let me tell you how.
First off, I recently wanted to download a game on my Vista Premium laptop by TOSHIBA. I went to install it. Halfway there, I realized..."Oh yeah, Vista screwed up the CD driver. Well it was working fine for a month, then all of a sudden, couldn't use it. It started displaying "Driver not compatible." But the driver flashes it's light if you hit the button OR power on the computer. Look for Part 2 PLZ.

At 10:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TY for reading Part 2!
Enough of the CDs, let's talk about compatiblity.
My dad uses SolidWorks on his XP. I was going to get him Vista Buissness. He said no, SolidWorks ISN'T FOR VISTA.
Now, I was excited when I put in Vista and waited ALMOST HALF AN HOUR. When I finally got on, I checked out the new features. "Look! SOUND RECORDER!" Clicking excititedly, I looked at the piece of crap on the screen. I saw no bar that said File Edit Effects Help. IT COULD JUST RECORD SOUND WITH NO FX.
Part 3 soon!

At 10:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part 3!
More incompatibility!!!!!
So, we've had the driver, SolidWorks, Sound Recorder. That's not it. I have and always will like NINTENDO the most, and I have DS and Wii, the two that can go on a service called NINTENDO WI-FI CONNECTION. So there's three ways to get on. On DS you can go on NINTENDOWIFI.com and look for a hotspot. On Wii you can do WIRED or WIRELESS regular high-speed. On both you can choose USB. Well sometimes I go on with DS, with our USB connector. When it says ONLY FOR WINDOWS XP on the disc, it's true to it's word. When you fire up Win2000, it says built on NT technoligy. Vista could've been built on XP technoligy. That probably would've worked.

At 10:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part 4!
Action Replay DS is the new hacking system for DS. Now I got mine at a store, and I tried it on Vista.
It wouldn't detect anything. Plugged in, it said Waiting For DS. HAD TO DO IT ON XP.

My Vista laptop's history

The XP laptop was running so smoothly, it seemed, UNTIL I got Vista. And I sware I did not download 70Gb of vids of my camcorder. UNTIL I got Vista. WMM (Windows Movie Maker) was the king of making videos...UNTIL I GOT VISTA. I could put in DVDs and install games...UNTIL I GOT VISTA. I could do anything on my laptop...UNTIL I GOT VISTA. I felt I was king of the world...you get the point.

At 10:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part 5
The Conclusion
Questions for anyone to answer (recommended if you have Vista)

1. Why does Vista suck?

2. Why is Vista incompatible with almost everything I had including the CD DRIVER?

3. Why do you lose MS Sam, the voice you can use to say funny things, and gain crappy MS anna?

4. Why does my laptop run so slow now?

5. Could you please go on YouTube.com and search up Vista install in 2 minutes? It's amazing.

6. It's not a question. The reason I'm not downgrading is because...there's no point. I already uninstalled everything. So if I changed back to XP, it still wouldn't play anything on CD. The laptop is really just garbage. Except Encarta 2007 is working as fine as ever. My conclusion is, finally, the only thing good about Vista is Aero, Explorer 7, all those games and...that's it. To end, great article. I'm gald I finally get to xpress my feelings and anger to get the message out. DON'T GET VISTA. It doesn't add to $200.
I wish I still had Windows XP. I plan to upgrade all my PCs to WinXP.
Go Microsoft Sam!
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Thank you. Pleasure. LOL!

At 10:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's me again.
Sorry about all that stuff. It's hard to make a big LOL, especially when the font changes.
SYL! (Trying again.)
| -- |
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Sorry if it doesn't work.

At 10:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:20 PM , Blogger westfield88 said...

vista rocks i been using it for 3mts now and so far no problems
it has not crashed ,no virus,nothing works with all my old software no issues there ,i love it great job microsoft ,fter reading all the hype online i was expecting the worst but when i got my hp dv9500 i was impressed .

At 3:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone has experienced any kind of difficultys or problems with WINDOWS VISTA, dont worry, because on VISTA, crashing the computer has never looked better!!

I wont give VISTA thumbs up, though, but still, Il give it a finger.

At 1:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UyCJbS Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

At 11:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

d2THqE Wonderful blog.

At 12:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

At 1:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

At 12:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job!

At 1:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest thing I have ever read. You don't have on legit complaint on here. Cost? OSes cost money. Pricing is not that out of line from Windows XP. That's one of your main points. On the issue of MS choosing to uninstall software if it finds it illegal, supposedly it can disable Office if it finds a pirated version of Office. No other piece of software can be disabled. It cannot disable your Quicken, buddy. No plug and play? You're a moron. Of course it's there. This article is a joke.

What's really wrong with Vista is that it's slow.

At 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

At 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

At 12:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FiQ6V7 Nice Article.

At 12:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

At 7:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I believe anyone who bought the OS was broadly warned it still has a lot of bugs. I wanted the fancy new look and wanted to test the so called "limits" of user control. In fact if you know how to make a few registry changes and shut off the UAC its not that bad. The IE7 compatability bug is a little annoying but I have it down to a managable issue now until they release the fix. XP was a trully bug infested OS for at least 18 months after release b4 they finally fixed some of the problems. Then they released IE7 and forced it down your throat which has been a piece crap from git go. If you have a single core system DO NOT BUY Vista. Its geared for multiple core systems.

At 5:21 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I installed windows Vista some months ago on my newly bought hardware , (Amd X2 5600 , Asus m2ne-sli ,Corsair 2GB RAM ,Asus Nvidia 7600 gs) , at first everything seemed to be fine , but i had this Blue Screen all the time , first while playing games , then even while playing music or whatever , i kept searching in internet , many users had my problem.
Well that was OK! something else happened and my sound was completely distorted ,all i was hearing was NOISE , microsoft really sucks , why did they have to change everything???!? whats this AERO? looks like a game to me. better optimze the code instead of making 3D efffects.

At 9:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey All, Easy fix, change to Mac OSX on an Apple Mac and be happy ever after.

At 12:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If these are true, then i might think over getting vista on my computer but i still like vista

At 2:27 AM , Blogger David Bostwick said...

Plug and Play - The ability to plug a new piece of equiptment into a computer for example: A printer, and not have to spend you time putting disks and such in to install it. It installs when plugged into the computer. Plug and Play has nothing to do with installing the OS.

At 2:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well At least they added sound to minesweeper. thats probably the only good thing they did with Vista.

At 9:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bull shit. Thats what I heard 'till I installed Vista. I didn't buy it, I downloaded the Ultimate one. It works amazing, very fast, nice looking, improves graphics, looks sooo much better, easier to use. The only reason you're posting this because you got XP and want to prove its goods. G'd luck.

At 10:21 PM , Blogger organix said...

I thought ~Vista was supposed to be built with a "wow" fractor - I've discovered lots of "yeeeeuuuch factor".....
My partner in crime has just acquired a new laptop, and brought it round for me to help him fire it up.............its SOOOOOOOOOOOO slow it's unbelievable, I managed to make a few essential changes (added Firefox, Thunderbird, AVG, Zone Alarm, and removed the dreadful Norton) - it is displaying an annoying fault - the " and @ keys are transposed..........
It's my first acquaintance with the much-trumpeted Vista, and it is far worse that I predicted (probably got spoilt using Ubuntu) - I'm very tempted to haul Windoze off it altogether, and replace with Ubuntu, but his good lady will want to use the thing as well, so I'll probably do the Wubi twin boot job.........in the meantime I have to deal with the transposed characters........overhyped, overpirced, underpowered, and over here!
My advice to any other disgruntled users is to give Wubi a twirl - download a smallish programme, fire it up, choose "Ubuntu", and leave to download 700mb (can take ages) - then fire it up - it takes about half an hour "compiling" - thereafter you can choose Windoze or Ubuntu at bootup - it's like your computer has had afterburners and reheat added in comparison!
And wouldn't DARE to report back to the evil Bill and Echelon............

At 8:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had problems with my Mom's brand new Laptop. I think that the idea of vista is great, but especially with Microsoft Office, everytime I go into any part of Office, it tells me that is has stopped responding. This is extremely frustrating, especially considering I am a student, and she is a Teacher

At 4:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well then i have many friends with vista and ive seen what it can do now then this whole article did jack nothing for me since i didnt wanna hear ravings about vistas terms cuz i for one dont blieve they have enough people 2 enforce them and 2 i didnt get any info on problems with 1.security 2.speed 3 Info on DX10 3. hardware compatibility 4.what package is a better buy and what i should be useing to run it at max capacity all it sounded like was raveings from one of my friends who swears by mac when all he does is use it for his are ( art and music are realy the only things mac can do well) the first 5 or 6 comments i read said some crap about vista not being for gameing well theres one sad fact about your statement for onehalf of all games that come out for PC are games for windows which harnesses DX 10 for there best quality and some even require vista on top of that vista has Xbox live and i wont even have to spend 400$ on an Xbox and i wont need to buy a single purpose mic that said i realy do wish this article was more informative and i dont mean to spark a debate over mac vs windows or anything else
and no i will not be coming back here to fight back on any debate nor will i check for a reply i also didnt read any more then page 1 of comments

At 9:49 AM , Blogger cybersal said...

After 4 months with vista home premium I WANT MY OLD SYSTEM BACK. Its like working with one hand tied behind you - very difficult - very cookie cutter - and hard to customize. Its like a little kids toy "just push a button and we, not you, will decide what happens next". Not only that, IE7 doesn't work AT ALL past the home page, program launcher doesn't work and what does microsoft say: There is a problem, there is no solution, we are working on it, we will close the program and notify you when there is a solution. I didn't have these problems with windows 98 or xp. I think Vista should be scratched. Firefox won't even work on it, nothing but Netscape and Opera. And a previous poster was correct they change your computer at will. I have disabled all auto updates and activeX and still trying to fix problems caused by the last update. Cybersal

At 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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ero maxx -
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fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
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fully clothed sex -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
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gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
her 1st anal -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
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housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
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milf seeker -
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newbie girls -
new solos -
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road side pickups -
sara sexton -
scoreland -
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simple fucks -
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solo sydney -
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sugar mamas -
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swallow this bitch -
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At 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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wrong side of town -
asian parade -
18 inches of pain -
all about ashley -
all wam -
amazing gangbangs -
anal hell -
asian parade -
ass plundering -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
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bare foot bad girls -
bi maxx -
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dildo brutality -
double anal plugged -
dream kelly -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony cheeks -
ero maxx -
first time swallows -
foot cravings -
foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
fresh facials -
fresh teens -
from ass to mouth -
fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
fully clothed sex -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
gay hitchhiker -
gay sex resort -
gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
her 1st anal -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
hot haley -
hot nude granny -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
licky lesbians -
mad sex party -
man hunter -
me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
my fetish -
my sex tour -
naughty nati -
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new solos -
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sara sexton -
scoreland -
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she got pimped -
shemale ambush -
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simple fucks -
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solo sydney -
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wrong side of town -
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18 inches of pain -
all about ashley -
all wam -
amazing gangbangs -
anal hell -
asian parade -
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dream kelly -
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ebony cheeks -
ero maxx -
first time swallows -
foot cravings -
foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
fresh facials -
fresh teens -
from ass to mouth -
fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
fully clothed sex -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
gay hitchhiker -
gay sex resort -
gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
her 1st anal -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
hot haley -
hot nude granny -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
licky lesbians -
mad sex party -
man hunter -
me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
my fetish -
my sex tour -
naughty nati -
newbie girls -
new solos -
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sara sexton -
scoreland -
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simple fucks -
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smoking foxes -
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solo sydney -
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ero maxx -
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fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
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gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
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gay solos -
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gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
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her first anal sex -
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his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
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housewife bangers -
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insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
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knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
licky lesbians -
mad sex party -
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me fuck you long time -
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my fetish -
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ero maxx -
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fucking abuse -
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fully clothed pissing -
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gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
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gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
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her first anal sex -
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her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
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housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
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knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
licky lesbians -
mad sex party -
man hunter -
me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
my fetish -
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new solos -
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shemale ambush -
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simple fucks -
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smoking foxes -
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wrong side of town -
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18 inches of pain -
all about ashley -
all wam -
amazing gangbangs -
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asian parade -
ass plundering -
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bang boat -
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ebony cheeks -
ero maxx -
first time swallows -
foot cravings -
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fresh auditions -
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from ass to mouth -
fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
fully clothed sex -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
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gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
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her first anal sex -
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her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
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housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
licky lesbians -
mad sex party -
man hunter -
me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
my fetish -
my sex tour -
naughty nati -
newbie girls -
new solos -
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oriental orgy -
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plug her holes -
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randy blue -
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road side pickups -
sara sexton -
scoreland -
semen slurpers -
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she got pimped -
shemale ambush -
shots of cum -
simple fucks -
slut movies -
sluts on a leash -
smoking foxes -
solo bang -
solo girls -
solo sydney -
squirt hunter -
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sugar mamas -
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swallow this bitch -
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we hunt milf -
white boy stomp -
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wrong side of town -
bare foot maniacs -
18 inches of pain -
all about ashley -
all wam -
amazing gangbangs -
anal hell -
asian parade -
ass plundering -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
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bare foot bad girls -
bi maxx -
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boob exam scam -
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dildo brutality -
double anal plugged -
dream kelly -
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ebony cheeks -
ero maxx -
first time swallows -

At 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

foot cravings -
foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
fresh facials -
fresh teens -
from ass to mouth -
fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
fully clothed sex -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
gay hitchhiker -
gay sex resort -
gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
her 1st anal -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
hot haley -
hot nude granny -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
licky lesbians -
mad sex party -
man hunter -
me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
my fetish -
my sex tour -
naughty nati -
newbie girls -
new solos -
orgy sex parties -
oriental orgy -
party hardcore -
phat booty hunter -
pimp 4 a day -
pink eye surprise -
pissing in action -
plug her holes -
porn stud search -
pov hardcore -
randy blue -
real big hooters -
road side pickups -
sara sexton -
scoreland -
semen slurpers -
sex search -
sex toy teens -
sexy round asses -
she got pimped -
shemale ambush -
shots of cum -
simple fucks -
slut movies -
sluts on a leash -
smoking foxes -
solo bang -
solo girls -
solo sydney -
squirt hunter -
squirting chicks -
stay after class -
suck me bitch -
sugar mamas -
super twink -
swallow this bitch -
teenage whores -
teen body -
teens for cash -
teen slut bus -
the best latinas -
the best pov -
tittie fuckers -
tokyo pickups -
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want wendy -
we hunt milf -
white boy stomp -
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wild porn pass -
wrong side of town -
behind kink -
18 inches of pain -
all about ashley -
all wam -
amazing gangbangs -
anal hell -
asian parade -
ass plundering -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
bang my hot wife -
bare foot bad girls -
bi maxx -
bj sandwich -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
born 2 porn -
bottom lickers -
brown hair girls -
brutal blowjobs -
bubble butts galore -
busty solos -
caught on spy cams -
club seventeen -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
cum on jugs -
cum swap sluts -
dildo brutality -
double anal plugged -
dream kelly -
drunk sex orgy -
ebony cheeks -
ero maxx -
first time swallows -
foot cravings -
foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
fresh facials -
fresh teens -
from ass to mouth -
fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
fully clothed sex -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
gay hitchhiker -
gay sex resort -
gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
her 1st anal -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
hot haley -
hot nude granny -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
lucky lesbians -
mad sex party -
man hunter -
me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
my fetish -
my sex tour -
naughty nati -
nwebie girls -
new solos -
orgy sex parties -
oriental orgy -
party hardcore -
phat booty hunter -
pimp 4 a day -
pink eye surprise -
pissing in action -
plug her holes -
porn stud search -
pov hardcore -
randy blue -
real big hooters -
road side pickups -
sara sexton -
scoreland -
semen slurpers -
sex search -
sex toy teens -
sexy round asses -
she got pimped -
shemale ambush -
shots of cum -
simple fucks -
slut movies -
sluts on a leash -
smoking foxes -
solo bang -
solo girls -
solo sydney -
squirt hunter -
squirting chicks -
stay after class -
suck me bitch -
sugar mamas -
super twink -
swallow this bitch -
teenage whores -
teen body -
teens for cash -
teen slut bus -
the best latinas -
the best pov -
tittie fuckers -
tokyo pickups -
tranny trouble -
trans sexualz -
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tyrannized -
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virtual chicks -
want wendy -
we hunt milf -
white boy stomp -
wild fuck toys -
wild porn pass -
wrong side of town -
big ass adventure -
18 inches of pain -
all about ashley -
all wam -
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foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
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fully clothed pissing -
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gape her ass -
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gay college sex parties -
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gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
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gay college sex parties -
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gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
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her first anal sex -
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guys go crazy -
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guys go crazy -
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At 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

brea bennett -
18 inches of pain -
all about ashley -
all wam -
amazing gangbangs -
anal hell -
asian parade -
ass plundering -
back seat bangers -
bang boat -
bang my hot wife -
bare foot bad girls -
bi maxx -
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bottom lickers -
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double anal plugged -
dream kelly -
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ebony cheeks -
ero maxx -
first time swallows -
foot cravings -
foot erotica -
fresh auditions -
fresh facials -
fresh teens -
from ass to mouth -
fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
fully clothed sex -
gangbang squad -
gape her ass -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
gay hitchhiker -
gay sex resort -
gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
her 1st anal -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
hot haley -
hot nude granny -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
lucky lesbians -
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me fuck you long time -
milf seeker -
mondo rossi -
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wrong side of town -
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18 inches of pain -
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ero maxx -
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fresh auditions -
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fucking abuse -
fuck the babysitter -
fully clothed pissing -
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gangbang squad -
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gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
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gay solos -
girls that gush -
gooey holes -
guys go crazy -
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her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
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her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
hot haley -
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housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
jenny heart -
just facials -
kinky mature sluts -
knee high sox -
latina sex -
lick that ass -
lucky lesbians -
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me fuck you long time -
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