Monday, January 08, 2007

Getting on top of Digg is out, becoming a top Digg user is in

There is no fun in getting your story on top of Digg anymore.

If you are not the New York Times or any of the famous news sites, the Digg effect brings your server down and few visitors click on the ads.

Make a resolution this year to be Top Digg user.
Scott Karp says being a Top Digg user is the same like being a NYT editor. That is hyperbole of course, trying to please the gods at Digg.

Saying that success on Digg is just like success in old media, Scott informs that:

- only the top 2,457 Digg users have gotten 3 or more stories to the homepage, putting them in the top 0.35% of Digg’s 707,593 registered users.

- only the top 1,662 Digg users have gotten 4 or more stories to the homepage, putting them in the top 0.23%.

So, how do you become a Top Digg user?
Seomoz says that top 100 Digg Users Control 56% of Digg's HomePage.

Ozgur Alaz is a top Digg user.
His suggestions are simple:

- Make Friends:
… look at Top user screen and sort them by dugg stories you see that some of diggers dugg more than 10000 story. Add them as a friend. They are more likely to add their diggs to your stories

- Digg Your Friends News:
Rules of reciprocation is true for digg community, too. If you dugg your friends’ stories they respond positively and they start to dugg your stories, too.

Aaaz is another top Digg user. He became a top digg user in 30 days and a top 10 user in 3 months.

His secret?
1. Aaaz has 458 Digg users as friends and over 600 Digg users call Aaaz a friend. Forget these mismatching numbers, all part of the Web 2.0 algorithm.
2. Aaaz puts most stories from traditional top news sites -,,,,,,, and

Like Techmeme, the guys at Digg prefer news sites over blogs for news items. I guess blogs are then best at DIY stuff. A reason why this blog will never make it to the front page. :-)

So, before you launch your news site, make sure you have at least 75 friends on Digg. If its is easy for guys like Aaaz and Ozgur, you can do it too. Or, you can ask your friends, employees and family to have Digg accounts. Tell them it is as cool as being a NYT reporter.



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