Thursday, January 18, 2007

iPhone's prospects

Seeking Alpha goes through a report from Toni Sacconanghi, hardware analyst at Bernstein Research and lists out important pieces of information, which might decide iPhone’s prospects in the market.

A selection:

- Number of phones from the four major U.S. wireless carriers which are now priced above $400: none.

- Percentage of phones in 2006 which sold for more than $300 at wholesale: 5%.

- Estimated number of phones Cingular sold last year that cost more than $300 at retail: about 500,000.

- Total estimated cost of operating an iPhone for the first two years: $2,500.

- Number of iPhones Apple thinks it can sell in fiscal 2008: 10 million.

- Cost to buy the LG Chocolate music phone: about $100 through Verizon.


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