Show me the money: the buzzword for 2007

Valleywag does an analysis and informs us that usage of Web 2.0 term was at its peak sometime in October 2006 and from then on, there is almost a freefall.
This had to happen. Barely 10 days into 2007, and we see Backfence backing down, Tagworld almost over (?)…the Techcrunch deadpool is filling up.
In all forms of so-called Web 2.0 startups, the focus will be on monetization – revenue, profits, what else?
- how will Video sites pay users and make money at the same time?
- how will Digg improve its earnings?
- how will the social bookmarking site make money? Will they choose to pay for server costs from their own pockets for 3 years at least?
- how will citizen journalism sites make money? So as to push the cause of CitiJ, better stories, better interactivity.
Hi, Your site is worth to be the first!
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