Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Why mobile content hasn’t made it so far

Forbes magazine analyses the slow progress of mobile content (data, ringtones, video, audio, games) despite all the hype about the mobile is where the next-generation consumer media action is.

There are four main reasons:

1. Insipid marketing: For carriers, content is not a primary focus. The carriers came into this business only some time back, unlike in Asia and Europe The content team at the typical mobile carrier is ‘understaffed and underresourced’, and may also be outsourced.

2. Dismal market segmentation:
The carriers present the mobile content in the same way to nearly every segment.

3. Lackluster selling: The carrier’s content mall is not as easy to use as, say, Apple Computer's iTunes store.

4. Consumer fatigue: Data shows consumption per handset slides down in six months after a new phone is purchased. The article says that in the content business, the best way to defeat consumer fatigue is ‘peer2peer’ marketing – for example word of mouth marketing. So far, carriers have provided no easy way for a mobile user to recommend content to friends.


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