Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Google, the universal ad broker and site censor?

Google started out with the aim of organizing the world’s information. However it may deny it, Google is surely on its way to being the world’s top ad broker.

People and companies change their approach all the time. Take for example, Tim O’Reilly, who has graduated from ‘web 2.0 being about people’ to ‘web 2.0 is about controlling data.’

Money and power are the foundations of any enterprise. Forget Google’s hoary ‘do no evil’ and other PR-minded maxims. The company hopes to exercise unprecedented power over the media industry as a whole.

Forget what Microsoft and Yahoo are complaining about Google’s monopoly in the online ad business. They allege that it bodes badly for online privacy, among things. That is all losers’ talk. Coming from Microsoft’s mouth, it is especially cute.

In the garb of delivering better results, Google has now decided to go after the Paid Links market.

However, Paid links are not the same as Spam, which Google has still been unable to deal with.

Google has not been able to find an answer to Paid links and Social media marketing.
In both cases, people pay greater attention to what they are putting on their web site. They write better articles in the hope of getting traction from social media sites like Digg.

'Their content becomes ads'

They make deals to put paid links from sites that match their own site’s topic. This is what bugs Google. Until now, it was sure that matching sites, topics and keywords was the preserve of its adwords and adsense services.

The best forms of Paid Links can be more efficient than adwords.

Raising two very important points, Aaron Wall writes on Threadwatch,
1. ...there are far more efficient ways to reach early adopters. Social influence is far more important than most people give it credit for.

2. Editorial and social relationships have far more value than Google realizes, and Matt Cutts's recent outbursts are just a hint at how Google is losing their dominant control over the web.

This is the reason why Google is going to penalize sites that have Paid links. It does not like competition.

Bottomline: Do not believe when Google says it is after paid links because it wants to give you better search results.

No one must control the net, not even Google.

A site owner should be free to display whatever links he wants.
He must not be punished by a monopolist, which owns the search market too.

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