Monday, July 30, 2007

The Big Picture about Big Picture

LA Times Columnist Patrick Goldstein who writes the "Big Picture" column for the Los Angeles Times found that the editor (s) did not like and killed his 1,450-word column where he had suggested that the troubled newspapers follow the lead set by The Mail on Sunday in being creative about finding new revenue outlets - the Daily Mail recently distributed free copies of Prince's latest album.

At a time when decision makers at the LA Times are thinking about putting ads on the front page, this decision did not cut ice with the writer and the column eventually found home on the LA Observed news site, run by a former LA Times Editor Kevin Roderick.

Some Obvious takes on the issue:
1. Many Editors still think they can get away with killing a story (not talking about grammatical and factual errors)
2. For Journalists: If your editor kills your story, you can always find a home for it online, your creativity will come in handy for a safe landing, if you know what I mean.
3. Incidents like these are enough to build a reporter's brand online.

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