Saturday, July 14, 2007

Intel joins the OLPC movement

Perhaps in a belated reply, Intel has decided to come clean on allegations of itself and Microsoft working in tandem to destroy the $100 Laptop per child mission – you will remember Intel launched the Classmate, a more expensive OLPC-type product.

However, now Intel has announced that it has joined the OLPC board, alongside the likes of Google and other ‘noble-minded’ tech majors.

Although, at this time it is not clear whether Intel chips will go inside the OLPC (at present AMD is supplying the chips), but there are chances that the servers used to back up the OLPCs might have Intel technology inside them.

Moreover, the two competing laptops, OLPC's XO and Intel's Classmate can even share software.

For a noble cause, cooperation often wins over competition.



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