Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What if the Facebook datacenter went down?

A series of back-to-back power outages at the Web 2.0 datacenter in SOMA, San Francisco brought downtimes for major web 2.0 businesses including Craigslist, Typepad, LiveJournal, Vox, Yelp, Technorati, and Six apart among others.

Come to think of it: Web 2.0 can actually be Datacenter 2.0, what with the surging traffic at leading web 2.0 sites, including the social networking behemoths Myspace and Facebook. Google and Microsoft are investing heavily into big data centers. Google is already famous for reportedly keeping 50 copies of every file.

Traffic for the big social networking sites is huge - Myspace has most traffic and Facebook is not behind. The datacenter failure at San Fransisco is a pointer to Facebook and others that instead of depending upon third-party datacenters and their dubious claims, they are better off having their own captive datacenters.

Going back to the question: What if the Facabook datacenter went down?

Well, back to normal, real life, I guess.

As the college authorities might have told the IIT Mumbai students when they restricted the students' computer time: "Go out and get a life".

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