Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Long live User Generated Content Part -2

Yesterday I wrote about a lame and rehashed study that said we read more and contributed less. Although I think one should read more than write, I felt the study did not add anything new to the discourse.

Now, there is this new study that I like.

The new study, brought out by the National School Boards Association and Grunwald Associates LLC , reports that 96 percent of U.S. teens and ‘tweens, especially students with online access use social networking technologies, such as chatting, text messaging, blogging, and visiting online communities/social networking sites including Facebook, MySpace, and Webkinz.

Moreover, 60% students say that one of the most common topics of conversation on the social networking scene is education, talking about college, college planning, learning outside of school, and careers. I hope businesses involved with education take a note of the growing importance of social networking in education..

50 percent of online students reported they talk specifically about schoolwork.

On an average, students spend 9 hours a week on social networking sites, comparing favorably to their TV habits – 10 hours a week.

On the user-generated content side, students are creative online – 49% have uploaded pictures, 22% have uploaded videos created by themselves (hopefully we are not talking about filching the latest Beyonce Video and posting it on Youtube)

Students are also contributing pieces of art and writing and actively taking part in online projects.

Now you see why my party line has always been – Long live User generated Content.

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