Thursday, September 16, 2010

Twitter is a Giant Blog

Here is a what I think after Twitter's decision to allow users to share other forms of content: Twitter is a giant blog. Twitter is a giant blog network.

1. On Twitter, the world is a user/blogger.
2. A Twitter executive actually said Twitter is not a social network.
3. He calls us to tweet more - 'Don't apologize if you don't tweet - just come to Twitter and consume content instead.'
4. Twitter is a blog network that does not have to pay the freelancers [That is us].
5. A Tweet is actually a blog comment on a diet.
6. Twitter gets all the content for free.
7. Twitter also gets to push ads down our throats.
8. Twitter has a group of preferred freelancers, also known as the 'Suggested List'.
9. This list promotes the Twitter ['Twitter is God." Etc.etc.] and vice versa.
10. Thus, Twitter is Huffington Post on steroids.
11. Twitter is a blog.



At 12:11 PM , Blogger manisha sharma said...

hey , nice blog , like it ,
won't be nice if i u can clickover to my blog page too ,
& post some suggestion


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