Monday, December 20, 2010

Co-working in Delhi: The Jelly Meet Idea

Jelly Meet is a fast-growing co-working movement that started in New York. One of the co-founders Amit Gupta is a successful serial entrepreneur. The Jelly Meet idea basically involves arranging a place where people can work - no rents involved. Just bring your laptop/netbook. Ideal for freelancers, bloggers, developers etc.

The Delhi version of Jelly Meets happens every Wednesday at the Cafe Oz in Khan market. A complete list of Jelly Meets around the world can be found here.

For more about the Delhi Jelly Meet, Read this article in the Indian Express.

This is something I have always wanted to arrange in context of my startup Bighow, getting bloggers and journalists to meet twice/thrice a week in a comfortable, easily accessible location. Until this happens, I will try to check out Jelly Meet. Perhaps you should too.

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At 11:49 AM , Anonymous Ann said...

Hey Pramit!

Saw your Jelly post and couldn't help but respond. You should come out next Wednesday to Khan. A bunch of us usually get there around 10:30 or so.

The FB group is here:



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