Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The State of Nuclear Power Industry Worldwide: Under-regulated, Untrustworthy, Unaccountable, Unproven Reactors, and ruled by Business-Politician Nexus

The simple truth about Nuclear Power is this: Unlike other sources of power, failure is not an option. More lives are at risk from failures of nuclear reactors than from failures of other types of power-generation units.

When Nuclear energy is run as a business, chances of inferior technologies being used for cost concerns are high.

When a small group of people, politicians/bureaucrats, get the power to decide where big Nuclear power plants will be located, the case of Japan shows that they will choose localities 'judged weakest in local civil society as host communities for controversial projects.'

The Guardian writes about the state of 'untrustworthy' nuclear industry:
The question now is whether the industry can be trusted anywhere. If this industry were a company, its shareholders would have deserted it years ago. In just one generation it has killed, wounded or blighted the lives of many millions of people and laid waste to millions of square miles of land. In that time it has been subsidised to the tune of trillions of dollars and it will cost hundreds of billions more to clean up and store the messes it has caused and the waste it has created. It has had three catastrophic failures now in 25 years and dozens more close shaves. Its workings have been marked around the world by mendacity, cover-ups, secrecy and financial incompetence.

The article writes about the dangers from experiments being done in a constantly evolving industry:
Fukushima is supposedly one of the safest stations in one of the most safety-conscious countries in the world. Chernobyl blew up not because the reactor malfunctioned but because an ill-judged experiment to see how long safety equipment would function during shutdown went too far. 
Read the whole article to learn more about the dangers facing the Nuclear Reactors in the future.

See, I am all for exploring other sources of power, decreasing our dependency on fossil fuels. But, using untested methods that are dangerous to millions of people, is perhaps not the way to go.


Rethinking Nuclear Power: The Bharat versus India problem

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