Saturday, April 21, 2007

New media gurus as old media wonks in costume

This gem goes straight and undefeated into the top quotes about Web 2.0, New Media and all that.

Bryan Eisenberg has written a good critique on the so-called demise of Page Views and what major media publications like the esteemed WSJ think to be substitutes of pageviews.

Bryan questions the usefulness of Time Spent metric, which may be no use in a Firefox world (and Opera, followed by IE) where users often leave many tabs open at a time.

To illustrate, while I write this, I have 9 tabs opened. The Guardian tab is opened since morning when I haven’t even looked at that page since I open many tabs via a folder marked ‘Daily Read’.

Bryan writes,
The Wall Street Journal's reporters are top-notch journalists. Journalists are paid to ask the right questions. Yet today, while they report that Nielsen is shifting from page view metrics to time-spent metrics, nobody questions the absurdity

No one really knows anything with 100% surity about things.
If you don't like A, switch to B, that might work - the mantra that has stood the test of time.

The so-called Web 2.0 experts are as excited and confused as the new Facebook user.

Which brings us to the oft-trodden crossroads of the web 2.0 boom:

1. What really works?
No one really knows, including the experts.

2. Do the experts know everything?
No. They just read more than we do and live on the fabled West coast.

For more on this great Web 2.0 crossroads confusion, read this.



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