Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Social Media Search Engine, ver 0.5

I took myself a little too seriously this time, wanting to search across a wide plethora of available Social Media options. I just created a spanking new Social Media Search Engine using Google Co-op.

The results aren't something to write home about but at last I am able to get results from some of the top social sites from my list of 50-odd top social media websites.

I like using Google Co-op to build custom search engines for my own work. It saves me time when I am searching for a particular word/topic on some of my favorite web sites.

If only I could master using the APIs, then Social search engine could have been much much better.

The Social Media Search Engine

Copy this code if you want to use this search engine on your blog/site

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How to Search Social Media: 50+ ways to do it

Use the sites listed below to track conversations in social media - people, brands, talk, issues...this is a partial list. Feel free to add to it in the comments section.

1. Use First Generation Social Media Search Engines:
nSyght http://www.nsyght.com/
Serph http://www.serph.com/
50 matches http://www.50matches.com
Scour http://scour.com/

2. Search comments
Backtype http://backtype.com
CoComment http://cocomment.com
Disqus http://disqus.com

3. Search Social News
Digg http://digg.com
Mixx http://mixx.com
Reddit http://reddit.com
Propeller http://propeller.com
Indianpad http://indianpad.com (for India)
Wordpress http://wordpress.com/
Diggwatch http://bleu.west.spy.net/diggwatch/

4. Search Social Bookmarks
Delizzy http://www.delizzy.com/ (search del.icio.us tags)
Del.icio.us http://del.icio.us
Ma.gnolia http://ma.gnolia.com/
Stumbleupon http://www.stumbleupon.com/
Clipmarks http://Clipmarks.com/
Furl http://furl.net

5. Search Citizen Journlism sites
Topix http://topix.com
Newsvine http://newsvine.com
OhMynews http://en.ohmynews.com
Nowpublic http://nowpublic.com

6. Search Twitter
Tweetscan http://www.tweetscan.com/
Hashtags http://www.hashtags.org/
Twitscoop http://www.twitscoop.com/
Monitter http://monitter.com/

7. Search Social Networking Sites
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ (you can browse for profile stubs from Google)
Linkedin http://linkedin.com/ (you can browse for profile stubs from Google)

8. Search Podcasts
Podzinger http://podzinger.com/

9. Search for profiles
Spokeo http://spokeo.com/
Peekyou http://peekyou.com/

10. Search aggregators and search engines
Techmeme http://techmeme.com/
Megite http://megite.com/
Technorati http://technorati.com/
Sphere http://sphere.com/
Google Blogsearch http://blogsearch.google.com/
Popurls http://popurls.com/

Mahalo http://www.mahalo.com/
Hubpages http://www.hubpages.com/
Squidoo http://www.squidoo.com/

11. Search RSS feeds
Feedster http://feedster.com
Bloglines http://bloglines.com

12. Search photos
Flickr http://www.flickr.com/

13. Search videos
Youtube http://www.youtube.com/
Blinxx http://blinxx.com
Truveo http://www.truveo.com/
Tubesurf http://tubesurf.com/
Vizhole www.vizhole.com/

14. Search for your mentions
Google Alerts http://www.google.com/alerts

15. Search Friendfeed
Friendfeed http://friendfeed.com/search

If you think the list is too daunting, use the rather ham-handed Social Media Search Engine I made using Google Co-op.

(Warning: Although it contains all the links mentioned above, the search may not work across all the sites as I have no technical skills to punch in and mash all the search APIs. Hope some among you will do the needful.

Code for Social Media Search Engine (if you want to put it on your site)

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